
Our story

Our research

Our team

Our story

Hi, I’m Glen, and Story of My Life has been my project-in-the-making for the past few years.

Like everyone, I’ve come up against challenges in my life (and continue to do so every day). I lost my dad to a heart attack when I was 21, I was diagnosed with severe AD/HD when I was 30, I wrote my dad’s biography at 33 and chair the Foundation in his name, I face the usual stresses of work, and parenting is the toughest gig of my life.

Through it all, I’ve found a combination of journaling, goalsetting, personal development, and mindfulness practices incredibly beneficial, and that’s what I’ve brought together in your Story of My Life Journal in the hope it might also prove helpful for you.

Our research

You’re investing in your personal development, your mental health, your wellbeing – your life!

You want to know you can trust whatever system you use, which is why your Story of My Life Journal uses authentic psychotherapeutic and wellbeing strategies.

And that’s why all referenced sources are provided at the back of your journal. You can also access the list on our References page.

Your Story of My Life Journal is founded on the concepts of Narrative Psychology, and incorporates research, tools, and strategies from a broad range of psychology, personal development, goalsetting, and mindfulness fields.

So, why a journal in helping you achieve what you want to achieve, and become who you want to be?

Well, it turns out writing is critical.

Adjunct professor Gail Matthews at Dominican University in California conducted a study that found barely a third of those who set goals but didn’t write them down achieved them, compared to more than 70 per cent of those who wrote down their goals and conducted progress reviews.

As you can imagine that number drops to 0 for those who don’t even set goals – you can’t hit something you’re not aiming at.

Our team

Glen Foreman


Ash Storey

Design Guru


James Walker

Copy Guru