
How to prepare your wellbeing for the festive season ahead

Learn to look after your wellbeing, while maintaining the joy, celebration, and gratitude, of the festive season.

The festive season is a time of joy, celebration, and gratitude, but it can also be a source of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.

So, how can we make the most of this special time of year and enjoy it without compromising our wellbeing?

When faced with such a big, seemingly-ambiguous question, it can be helpful to have some guiderails, and that’s where the 8 Dimensions of Wellness come in.

The 8 Dimensions of Wellness are: emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical, environmental, financial, occupational, and social.

They are a psychological concept that have been evolving over time, but have held firm since the early 2000s, giving us categories in which we can set wellbeing goals ahead of the holiday period.

Each dimension is interconnected and equally important for our overall health and happiness, so let’s explore how you can prepare for the festive season with the 8 Dimensions of Wellness.

Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness involves being aware of and accepting your feelings, expressing them appropriately, and managing stress effectively.

The festive season can bring up a range of emotions, from joy and excitement to sadness and loneliness.

Some ways to prepare for the festive season with emotional wellness are:

  • Practice gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful way to boost your mood, reduce stress, and appreciate what you have. You can start a gratitude journal, write thank-you notes, or simply say thank you to someone who has helped you or made you happy.
  • Set boundaries: Boundaries are the limits you set for yourself and others to protect your energy, time, and wellbeing. You can set boundaries by saying no to things that don’t serve you, communicating your needs and expectations clearly, and respecting other people’s boundaries as well.
  • Seek support: If you are feeling overwhelmed, lonely, or depressed, don’t hesitate to reach out to someone you trust, such as a friend, family member, or counselor. The number for Lifeline is 13 11 14.

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness involves finding meaning and purpose in your life, connecting with your values and beliefs, and exploring your spirituality.

The festive season can be a great opportunity to nurture your spiritual wellness and express your faith or philosophy.

Some ways to prepare for the festive season with spiritual wellness are:

  • Reflect on your values: Values are the principles that guide your actions and decisions. They reflect what is important to you and what you stand for. You can reflect on your values by asking yourself questions, such as: What do I care about? What makes me happy? What do I want to contribute to the world?
  • Engage in spiritual practices: Spiritual practices are the activities that help you connect with your spirituality, such as meditation, prayer, yoga, or reading inspirational books. You can choose the practices that resonate with you and make them part of your daily or weekly routine.
  • Celebrate your traditions: Traditions are the customs and rituals that you follow to celebrate your culture, religion, or heritage. They can help you honor your roots, express your identity, and create memories. You can celebrate your traditions by decorating your home, cooking your favorite dishes, or joining a community event.

Intellectual Wellness

Intellectual wellness involves stimulating your mind, expanding your knowledge, and pursuing your interests.

The festive season can be a time to learn new things, challenge yourself, and have fun with your hobbies.

Some ways to prepare for the festive season with intellectual wellness are:

  • Read a book: Reading is a great way to improve your vocabulary, enhance your imagination, and discover new perspectives. You can choose a book that interests you, whether it’s fiction or non-fiction, and set aside some time to read it. You can also join a book club, exchange books with a friend, or visit a library or bookstore.
  • Learn a skill: Learning a skill is a rewarding way to challenge yourself, boost your confidence, and add value to your life. You can learn a skill that relates to your personal or professional goals, such as a language, a musical instrument, or a software program. You can also learn a skill that is fun or useful, such as cooking, knitting, or photography.
  • Play a game: Playing a game is a fun way to stimulate your brain, improve your memory, and have fun with others. You can play a game that tests your logic, creativity, or trivia knowledge, such as chess, crossword puzzles, or trivia. You can also play a game that involves physical activity, such as charades, scavenger hunt, or sports.

Physical Wellness

Physical wellness involves taking care of your body, eating well, being active, and getting enough rest.

The festive season can be a time to indulge in your favorite foods, relax, and enjoy yourself, but it can also be a time to maintain your health and fitness.

Some ways to prepare for the festive season with physical wellness are:

  • Eat mindfully Mindful eating is the practice of paying attention to what, how, and why you eat. It can help you enjoy your food, savor the flavors, and listen to your body’s signals. You can eat mindfully by eating slowly, chewing well, and avoiding distractions. You can also eat mindfully by choosing nutritious foods, balancing your portions, and treating yourself occasionally.
  • Be active: Being active is the practice of moving your body, increasing your heart rate, and strengthening your muscles. It can help you improve your mood, energy, and immunity. You can be active by doing exercises that you enjoy, such as walking, jogging, dancing, or swimming. You can also be active by incorporating movement into your daily life, such as taking the stairs, stretching, or gardening.
  • Get enough sleep: Sleep is the practice of resting your body and mind, allowing them to recover and recharge. It can help you improve your concentration, memory, and mood. You can get enough sleep by following a regular sleep schedule, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and avoiding caffeine, alcohol, or screens before bed.

Environmental Wellness

Environmental wellness involves being aware of and respectful of your surroundings, both natural and man-made.

The festive season can be a time to appreciate the beauty of nature, reduce your environmental impact, and create a cozy and safe space for yourself.

Some ways to prepare for the festive season with environmental wellness are:

  • Spend time in nature: Nature is the source of life, beauty, and inspiration. It can help you relax, recharge, and reconnect with yourself. You can spend time in nature by going for a walk, hike, or bike ride in a park, forest, or beach. You can also spend time in nature by planting a tree, growing a garden, or feeding the birds.
  • Reduce your waste: Waste is the excess or unwanted material that you produce or consume. It can harm the environment, wildlife, and human health. You can reduce your waste by following the three Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle. You can reduce your waste by buying less, choosing quality over quantity, and avoiding single-use items. You can reuse your waste by repairing, repurposing, or donating items that you no longer need or want. You can recycle your waste by sorting, separating, and disposing of items that can be turned into new products.
  • Create a cozy space: A cozy space is a comfortable, warm, and inviting place that you can call your own. It can help you feel safe, calm, and happy. You can create a cozy space by decluttering, organizing, and cleaning your home. You can also create a cozy space by adding personal touches, such as photos, candles, or plants.

Financial Wellness

Financial wellness involves managing your money, budgeting, saving, and investing wisely.

The festive season can be a time to spend money on gifts, travel, and entertainment, but it can also be a time to plan ahead, save money, and avoid debt.

Some ways to prepare for the festive season with financial wellness are:

  • Set a budget: A budget is a plan that shows how much money you have, how much money you need, and how much money you can spend. It can help you track your income and expenses, prioritise your needs and wants, and achieve your financial goals. You can set a budget by using a spreadsheet, an app, or a notebook. You can also set a budget by following the 50/30/20 rule, which allocates 50% of your income to needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings and debt repayment.
  • Save money: Saving money is the practice of putting aside a portion of your income for future use. It can help you prepare for emergencies, opportunities, and dreams. You can save money by opening a savings account, setting up automatic transfers, or using a piggy bank. You can also save money by cutting costs, such as using coupons, shopping around, or making your own gifts.
  • Avoid debt: Debt is the amount of money that you owe to someone else, such as a bank, a credit card company, or a friend. It can harm your financial wellness, credit score, and mental health. You can avoid debt by spending within your means, paying your bills on time, and using credit cards wisely. You can also avoid debt by seeking help, such as consulting a financial advisor, joining a debt management program, or contacting a credit counselor.

Occupational Wellness

Occupational wellness involves finding satisfaction, fulfillment, and meaning in your work, whether it’s paid or unpaid.

The festive season can be a time to take a break from work, reflect on your career, and pursue your passions.

Some ways to prepare for the festive season with occupational wellness are:

  • Take a break: A break is a period of time that you take away from work to relax, recharge, and enjoy yourself. It can help you reduce stress, improve your mood, and increase your productivity. You can take a break by using your vacation days, requesting a flexible schedule, or working remotely. You can also take a break by doing something fun, such as traveling, watching a movie, or playing a game.
  • Reflect on your career: Reflection is the process of thinking about your past, present, and future work experiences, achievements, and goals. It can help you evaluate your strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, as well as your satisfaction, fulfillment, and meaning in your work. You can reflect on your career by using a journal, a mentor, or a coach. You can also reflect on your career by asking yourself questions, such as: What do I enjoy about my work? What do I want to improve? What do I want to achieve?
  • Pursue your passions: Passions are the activities that you love to do, that make you happy, and that give you a sense of purpose. They can be related or unrelated to your work, such as writing, painting, or volunteering. You can pursue your passions by dedicating some time, energy, and resources to them. You can also pursue your passions by finding ways to integrate them into your work, such as starting a side project, joining a club, or taking a course.

Social Wellness

Social wellness involves building and maintaining healthy, supportive, and meaningful relationships with others.

The festive season can be a time to connect with your family, friends, and community, as well as to meet new people and expand your network.

Some ways to prepare for the festive season with social wellness are:

  • Connect with your family: Family is the group of people that you are related to by blood, marriage, or adoption, or that you consider as your family. They can provide you with love, support, and guidance. You can connect with your family by calling, texting, or video chatting with them. You can also connect with your family by visiting them, inviting them over, or sending them cards or gifts.
  • Connect with your friends: Friends are the people that you choose to spend time with, share your interests and hobbies with, and have fun with. They can provide you with companionship, laughter, and feedback. You can connect with your friends by reaching out to them, making plans with them, or joining them in their activities. You can also connect with your friends by expressing your appreciation, giving compliments, or offering help.
  • Connect with your community: Community is the group of people that you belong to or identify with, based on your location, culture, religion, or interest. They can provide you with a sense of belonging, diversity, and contribution. You can connect with your community by attending events, joining groups, or volunteering for causes. You can also connect with your community by learning about their history, traditions, or values.

We hope we’ve been able to give you some ideas on how to prepare for the festive season with the 8 Dimensions of Wellness.

Remember, you don’t have to do everything at once or perfectly.

Just pick one or two dimensions that you want to focus on and start with small steps.

The most important thing is to enjoy yourself and celebrate your wellbeing.

Happy holidays from the Story of My Life Journal team! 🎄🎁🎉



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