
A guide on How to set and achieve your goals

Goalsetting is our jam, because setting goals is a powerful way to shape your future - but there's SMART goals, and then there's SMARTER goals.

Goalsetting is our jam, because setting goals is a powerful way to shape your future and improve your wellbeing – but there’s SMART goals, and then there’s SMARTER goals.

Not all goals are created equal.

Some are vague, unrealistic, or irrelevant to your life vision.

Others are specific, achievable, and meaningful. These are the ones that stick.

At Story of My Life Journal, we support and promote positive mental health and wellbeing by providing accessible insights, tools, resources, and products that help you better understand who you are, where you want to go, and how you’ll get there.

So, like we said, goalsetting is kind of our jam.

Which is why we thought it would be a good idea to share some of the best practices for setting and achieving goals that align with your values and aspirations.

That usually begins with the SMART method.

But, here, we’re looking at the SMARTER goals method.

How To Set SMARTER Goals

You’ve probably heard of the SMART goalsetting method.

But have you heard of the SMARTER method?

It’s become one of the most popular and effective frameworks for goal setting and uses the SMARTER acronym to help you define your goals in a clear and actionable way.

Here’s what it stands for:

  • S – Specific: Be as precise as possible about what you want to achieve.
  • M – Measurable: Identify how you will track your progress and success.
  • A – Achievable: Make sure your goal is realistic and within your reach.
  • R – Relevant: Ensure your goal is aligned with your life purpose and vision.
  • T – Time-bound: Set a deadline or timeframe for accomplishing your goal.
  • E – Evaluate: Monitor your performance and adjust your plan as needed.
  • R – Re-adjust: Be flexible and willing to change your approach if necessary.

To use the SMARTER goals framework, start by choosing an area of your life that you want to improve or change.

It can be personal, professional, emotional, or anything else that matters to you.

Then, write down your goal using the SMARTER criteria. For example:

  • Personal: I want to read 12 books this year (one book per month) to expand my knowledge and enjoy my hobbies.
  • Professional: I want to get a promotion at work by the end of the year by taking on more responsibilities and delivering high-quality results.
  • Emotional: I want to reduce my stress levels by practicing meditation for 10 minutes every morning for the next 30 days.

Achieve Your Goals: 4 Key Steps to SMARTER goals

Setting SMARTER goals is only the first step.

The next step is to take action and make them happen.

Here are four key steps that will help you stay focused, motivated, and accountable throughout your journey.

Write Your Goals Down

Writing down your goals is a powerful way to commit to them and remember them.

Research shows that people who write down their goals are 42 per cent more likely to achieve them than those who don’t.

Writing also helps you organise your thoughts, clarify your intentions, and visualize your desired outcomes.

    At Story of My Life Journal, we offer tools and products that can help you write down your goals in a structured and effective way.

    Our flagship product is Story of My Life Journal, a journaling system that helps you explore who you are, where you want to go, and how you’ll get there.

    Our secondary product is the Weekly Wellbeing Planner, a planner that helps you plan your week, track your habits, and reflect on your progress.

    Break Your Goals Down

    Breaking down your SMARTER goals into smaller steps makes them more manageable and achievable.

    It also helps you create a realistic action plan that guides you through each stage of your journey.

    Breaking down your goals also allows you to celebrate your wins along the way and keep yourself motivated.

      To break down your goals, start by identifying the main milestones or sub-goals that lead up to your final goal.

      Then, break down each milestone into specific tasks or actions that you need to complete.

      For example:

      • Goal: I want to get a promotion at work by the end of the year.
        • Milestone 1: I want to improve my skills and knowledge in my field by taking an online course.
          • Task 1: I will research and enroll in a relevant online course by next week.
          • Task 2: I will complete one module of the course every week for the next 10 weeks.
          • Task 3: I will apply what I learn from the course to my current projects and tasks.
        • Milestone 2: I want to demonstrate my value and potential to my manager and colleagues by taking on more responsibilities and delivering high-quality results.
          • Task 1: I will volunteer for new projects or assignments that match my skills and interests.
          • Task 2: I will communicate effectively with my team members and stakeholders about my progress and challenges.
          • Task 3: I will deliver my work on time, within budget, and according to expectations.
        • Milestone 3: I want to ask for a promotion at work by preparing a strong case and having a confident conversation with my manager.
          • Task 1: I will document my achievements and contributions over the past year and how they have benefited the company.
          • Task 2: I will research the market value and salary range for my desired position and role.
          • Task 3: I will schedule a meeting with my manager and present my case for a promotion.

      Track Your Progress

      Tracking your progress is essential for achieving your goals.

      It helps you measure your performance, evaluate your results, and identify what works and what doesn’t.

      Tracking your progress also helps you stay focused, motivated, and accountable for your actions.

        To track your progress, use a tool or system that works for you.

        It can be a spreadsheet, a calendar, a journal, a planner, or an app. The important thing is to record your actions, outcomes, and feedback on a regular basis.

        For example:

        • Action: I completed one module of the online course this week.
          • Outcome: I learned new concepts and skills that are relevant to my field.
          • Feedback: I scored 90% on the quiz and received positive comments from the instructor.
        • Action: I volunteered for a new project that matches my skills and interests.
          • Outcome: I contributed to the project’s success and received recognition from my manager and colleagues.
          • Feedback: I received constructive feedback on how to improve my communication and collaboration skills.

        Celebrate Your Wins

        Celebrating your wins is a crucial part of achieving your SMARTER goals.

        It helps you acknowledge your efforts, appreciate your achievements, and reward yourself for your hard work.

        Celebrating your wins also boosts your confidence, happiness, and motivation to keep going.

          To celebrate your wins, choose a reward that is meaningful and enjoyable for you.

          It can be something simple, like a treat, a compliment, or a break. Or it can be something bigger, like a gift, a trip, or a party.

          The important thing is to make it fun and memorable.

          For example:

          • Win: I completed the online course and received a certificate of completion.
            • Reward: I will buy myself a new book that I’ve been wanting to read.
          • Win: I delivered a high-quality project that exceeded expectations and impressed my manager and colleagues.
            • Reward: I will treat myself to a nice dinner with my partner.
          • Win: I asked for a promotion at work and got it.
            • Reward: I will book a vacation to celebrate my achievement.

          Final Thoughts on SMARTER goals

          Setting and achieving SMARTER goals is not easy, but it is possible if you follow some proven principles and strategies.

          At Story of My Life Journal, we are here to support you on your journey of personal growth, wellbeing, mindset, and goal setting.

          We hope this has given you some useful tips and inspiration to set and achieve your goals.

          Remember, health and happiness are the ultimate goals in life3.

          Everything else is simply a bonus4.



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