
Four quick wins to boost your mood and mindset

Quick wins to rev your engine, with the science to prove it. Your Story of My Life Journal has daily Mindset and Mood Boosters to help you supercharge your day.

Ever found yourself feeling not-quite-with-it, only to suddenly realise you’re tapping along to an upbeat song that you hadn’t consciously realised had come on the radio? Nek minnit, you’re singing.

Or maybe you’ve had a disagreement with your significant other and can’t quite shake the steam flying out your ears – until you go for a run and, suddenly, you can see the funny side.

Ok, so, that second one is a bit of a gimme, because most people don’t need a psychology study to know exercise does wonders for your mood.

But it turns out there’s a few other quick wins to rev your engine and get you going – and we’ve got the science to prove it.

Your Story of My Life Journal incorporates these into the check-ins for your daily pages as your Mindset and Mood Boosters, to help you supercharge your day.

So, want a little pick-me-up? Let’s get cracking.

1. Exercise

Ok, we’re going to start with the easy one, which you undoubtedly already know is great for your mind and body, but do you know why?

The presence of exercise on your daily Mindset and Mood Boosters checklist should come as no surprise.

In brief, numerous studies have found an irrefutable link between exercise and increased levels of happiness and energy, reduced risk of disease, improved brain function and memory, better sleep, and … *whispers* … increased sex drive (source: Healthline.com).

All these boosts are the result of increases in endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin (source: Healthline.com).

However, in the words of the late-night infomercial: “But wait … there’s more!”

Those are only the increasing effects.

Studies have also shown exercise “reduced significantly” anger, confusion, fatigue, and tension.

What’s more, it’s been shown to work its best magic on those with a low mood (source: Lane, A. & Lovejoy, D., 2001).

2. Music

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to whack on whatever upbeat song you fancy, and either dance, sing, or slightly bop along.

This one might be a surprise entry to your Story of My Life Journal’s daily checklist, but, like exercise, the impacts and supporting evidence of music on mood are strong.

A study conducted by Osaka University found that listening to music in a major chord (as opposed to minor) resulted in reduced cortisol levels, and improved happiness (source: Suda, 2008).

Music has been shown to assist in sharper concentration and alert thinking, and has been used in hospitals to assist with pain management and mental wellbeing (source: Verywellmind.com).

3. Laughter

Yep, we can hear you.

You just scoffed, right? And just made some sort of comment about how laughter is obviously a mood booster?

Cool, we get it. Here’s a question for you, though: when was the last time you consciously made an effort to laugh in your day? Or do you just expect it to happen, without knowing where or how it will come?

Ok, well, given it’s so obvious … doesn’t it seem a little silly not to consciously make an effort for it?

It’s important to find some laughter every day, whether that’s with someone else, or by yourself.

Ask your funny friend to tell you a joke, tell one yourself, or find something funny on YouTube (this has got to be one of the all-time funniest cat videos).

So, what actually happens when you laugh?

Laughter has been found to suppress depression, reduce anxiety, and increase serotonin and feelings of joy (source: Askenasy, 1987).

What a way to start your day, or give you that little pick-me-up when needed.

4. Mindfulness/Meditation

Life is about balance. Everything in life is balanced. Even your worst days carry some silver lining, lesson, or learning.

And, while the first three tips have been about actions you can take, this last one is about chilling out.

How you choose to practice mindfulness is, of course, up to you.

The mindfulness/meditation checkbox in the daily pages of your Story of My Life Journal refers to setting aside time to shift your mindset from participant to observer – to observe your mind and thoughts, your body, and the environment around you.

A common practice for achieving this is through meditation, which is why mindfulness and meditation are mentioned together.

The benefits of this practice to your life and the lives of those you interact with are well documented: reduced rumination; stress reduction; improved working memory; reduced emotional reactivity; increased ability to absorb new/different information; relationship satisfaction; increased immune function; improved wellbeing; reduction in psychological distress (source: American Psychological Association).

In the context of your Story of My Life Journal, practising mindfulness will improve your ability to be who you want to be, by improving your ability to observe/notice yourself and the world around you.

That enables you to take actions when and where required.

You can’t change something you’re not aware of – especially if that ‘something’ is you, your thoughts, or your behaviours.

The wrap-up

So, there it is.

How easy is that? Go for a walk or a run, while you listen to music, watch a funny video while you cool down, then sit on a bench looking at the trees for 10min, and you’ve nailed all four Mindset and Mood Boosters in the space of half an hour.

However you manage it, the key is to use your happy juices to your advantage.

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