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Day: 12 May 2023
The surprising benefits of a gratitude journal for mental health
It’s easy to get caught up in the negatives – in fact, we’re hardwired for it – which is where a gratitude journal for mental health can come in handy.
How to use a goalsetting journal for productivity
Journaling is a powerful tool for personal growth and development. Here’s how to use a goalsetting journal for productivity.
How to use a daily journal for personal growth
Keeping a daily journal is a powerful tool for personal growth, but how can you know what makes a good daily journal for personal growth?
Mindfulness journaling for women and how it can supercharge your growth
Mindfulness has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason, and mindfulness journaling for women can be particularly beneficial.
10 Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery and growth
We’re always evolving and growing, but sometimes it can be challenging to know where to start. So, here’s 10 journal prompts for self-discovery to help.