
Support your colleagues in creating the life they choose - no matter where they are.

Sometimes, measuring performance is important. Other times, performance is more important than measuring.


Work-life balance is critical in a healthy lifestyle – a fact that came to the fore during the global pandemic.

When the lines between work and private life begin to blur – be that from enforced requirements to work from home, or simply because certain employees find it hard to ‘switch off’ – the psychological literature is clear: colleague wellbeing and productivity suffers.

Story of My Life Journal – a purely evidence-based resource – is designed to support people in creating the life they choose at a holistic level.

Including (and especially, given it occupies most of a fulltime worker’s life) in the workplace.

We offer organisations significant discounts and ongoing virtual and in-person activities (such as mentoring and workshops) to support you in ensuring your colleagues are WELL@WORK and are getting the most out of their lives – no matter where they are.

Because wellbeing is always a work-in-progress.

Work-life balance is critical in a healthy lifestyle – a fact that came to the fore during the global pandemic.

When the lines between work and private life begin to blur – be that from enforced requirements to work from home, or simply because certain employees find it hard to ‘switch off’ – the psychological literature is clear: colleague wellbeing and productivity suffers.

Story of My Life Journal – a purely evidence-based resource – is designed to support people in creating the life they choose at a holistic level.

Including (and especially, given it occupies most of a fulltime worker’s life) in the workplace.

We offer organisations significant discounts and ongoing virtual and in-person activities (such as mentoring and workshops) to support you in ensuring your colleagues are WELL@WORK and are getting the most out of their lives – no matter where they are.

Because wellbeing is always a work-in-progress.

Story of My Life Journal employs positive psychology approaches to support people in identifying their values and goals, forming development plans, and improving their wellbeing - at work and at home.

Why mental health matters (especially in the workplace)

Did you know half (45%) of all Australians – that is: your workforce – will experience mental ill health at some point? And that’s according to Beyond Blue – a very respected source.

A recent study found that, at any given time, about 20 per cent of the population will be experiencing a mental health challenge (source).

The impact of that is direct (sick pay; benefits; social security; medical treatments) and indirect (loss of productivity and potential output; low morale).

The financial costs (including to companies) are scary.

The US estimates for national spending on depression range from $USD 30-44b (that’s BILLION!), with about 200 million days lost from work each year. The UK’s Health and Safety Executive estimates mental health problems are the second largest category of occupational ill health after muscular-skeletal disorders, resulting in 5-6 million (MILLION!) working days lost each year.

About 90 per cent of employees think mental health is an important issue for businesses ...
but only 50 per cent believe their workplace is mentally healthy.

Source: Beyond Blue

Every dollar spent creating a mentally healthy workplace can, on average, result in a positive return on investment of $2.30.
$ 1 0

Organisations with a positive approach to mental health have increased productivity improved worker engagement increased recruitment success better staff retention

Organisations also have reduced:

Source: Standards Council of Canada (2013). Psychological health and safety in the workplace — Prevention, promotion, and guidance to staged implementation

  • Absenteeism

  • risk of conflict

  • Grievances

  • Disability injury rates

  • Performance and morale problems

Our mission is to support and promote positive mental health and wellbeing by providing accessible insights, tools, resources, and products that help people better understand who they are, where they want to go, and how they'll get there.

What Story of My Life Journal offers

Story of My Life Journal leans on more than 100 sources and evidence-based wellbeing, mindset, and goalsetting approaches to support people in making genuine change in their lives.

This invaluable resource provides users with a daily support tool that promotes positive emotion, personal accountability, and a clear sense of meaning and purpose – all with minimal intrusion into daily routines.

Story of My Life Journal was deliberately developed to be low-maintenance, so as not to become a time-burden, with morning and evening check-ins recommended to take no longer than 10 minutes, providing straightforward ways to practice positive psychology strategies in everyday life.

Users are also provided emotional intelligence support, along with physical activity structure, both of which are strong contributors to positive mental health.

Weekly review and previews ensure users have a clear view of what’s going on in their lives, supporting them in staying more organised and productive.

We can also provide workplaces with presentations to outline the ‘why’, ‘what’, and ‘how’ behind Story of My Life Journal, virtual or in-person support to users in getting the most out of their journal, and ongoing mentorship.

Story of My Life Journal enables you to demonstrate your organisation's commitment to mental health and the positive wellbeing of your colleagues through:

  • Evidence-based wellbeing, mindset, and goalsetting practices designed for daily use.
  • Tools and strategies to specifically support people in managing stress and challenging situations.
  • Enhanced understanding of self (self-awareness).
  • Clarity of meaning and purpose, which can improve productivity through motivation.
  • Support in establishing positive physical and mental health routines.
  • Improved relationships and connections with others.
  • Guided support to implement and sustain positive behaviour changes.